Thutmose I

Thutmose I

  • Interesting biography, facts and information
  • Short Biography about the life of Thutmose I, the famous Egyptian Pharaoh
  • Short Biography, Facts and History of Thutmose I
  • Why Thutmose I is remembered and famous facts and events in the reign
  • Key facts, dates and events in the life and biography of Thutmose I
  • Information, facts, accomplishments and important dates
 King Tut IndexEgyptian Pharaohs

Thutmose I

Short Biography, Information & Facts about Thutmose I, the famous pharaoh and king of Egypt

Biography, Facts and information about the life of a Pharaoh
The term
pharaoh was the title of an ancient Egyptian king who was considered to be a living god and worshipped as a deity. The pharaoh was an absolute ruler of Egypt, both the political and religious leader. 

Short Biography of the life of Thutmose I
The history, facts and information about Thutmose I, a famous pharaoh of Ancient Egypt.
The following biography information provides basic facts about the life Thutmose I:

  • Thutmose I was also known as Thutmosis or Tuthmosis
  • Meaning of the name: "Thoth is Born"
  • Egyptian Period / Kingdom: New Kingdom
  • Dynasty: Thutmose I ruled in the Eighteenth Egyptian Dynasty
  • Name of Previous Pharaoh: Amenhotep I 1525 BC -1504 BC (aka Amenophis)
  • Years of Reign: 1504 BC -1492 BC
  • Succeeded by: Thutmose II 1492 BC -1479 BC
  • Family
    • Father: His father was believed to be Amenhotep I (aka Amenophis)
    • Mother: His mother was Semiseneb
    • Chief Wife: His chief wife and consort was Queen Ahmose
    • Children:  Thutmose II, Hatshepsut, Amenmose, Wadjmose and Nefrubity
  • Year of Death: 1492BC
  • Location of the Burial Site: Valley of the Kings
  • Tomb reference number: KV38
  • Name of Egyptologist who discovered the burial site, or tomb, of Thutmose I: Victor Loret (1859 - 1946)
  • Biography and accomplishments or why Thutmose I was famous: A warrior king who claimed victories against the Syrians and quelled a rebellion in Nubia. Following his victory over Nubia he had a canal built to provide easier travel upstream from Egypt to Nubia. The most important monuments he built,  under the supervision of his architect Ineni, included temples, pylons, obelisks, shrines and statues which were located at the Temple complex of Karnak.

Thutmose I
Each section of this Ancient Egyptian website addresses all topics and provides interesting facts and information about the Golden Age of Pharaohs and of Thutmose I. The Sitemap provides full details of all of the information and facts provided about the fascinating subject of the Ancient Egyptian Kings - their life, family, reign, dynasty, important dates and events and accomplishments.

Short Biography of Thutmose I

  • Interesting biography, facts and information
  • Short Biography about the life of the famous Egyptian Pharaoh
  • Short Biography, Facts and History of Thutmose I
  • Why Thutmose I is remembered and famous facts and events in the reign
  • Key facts, dates and events in the life and biography of Thutmose I
  • Information, facts, accomplishments and important dates

Thutmose I

Thutmose I - Pharaoh - King - Family - Egypt - History - Facts - Bio - Biography - Death - Born - Mummy - Birth - Tomb - Ruler - Kingdom - House - Dynasty - Famous - Civilization - Facts - Info - Information - Life - Key Date - Dates - Events - Story - Pharoah - Egyptians - Egyptions - Eygypt - Eygpt -  Archaeologist - Egyptologists - Thutmose I - Pharaoh - King - Family - Egypt - History - Facts - Bio - Biography - Death - Born - Mummy - Birth - Tomb - Ruler - Kingdom - House - Dynasty - Famous - Civilization - Facts - Info - Information - Life - Key Date - Dates - Events - Story - Pharoah - Egyptians - Egyptions - Eygypt - Eygpt -  Archaeologist - Egyptologists - Thutmose I - Written By Linda Alchin